Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Indonesian Pileup on 40M

I wasn't sure what comp this was for, sounded Indonesian and some DX spotters mentioned a Gold Trophy comp (????). Interesting to see the caller ask for quiet amongst the bedlam and then call in a few individual stations for contacts before departing the scene, and the bedlam recommenced. Not a place for QRP ;-)

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Nearly but not quite into Japan on 40m tonight.

Tried for JA5WNH (Tosi) but unfortunately he could not copy all of my suffix. Tosi was calling for Europe and Africa long path on 40m. I didn't think I would qualify as long path so waited till he finished his calls and went back to his Japan based QSO and then I called. Nearly but not quite as he could not hear all of my suffix. Oh well, until next time.

Tosi's QRZ profile:

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fixing the FT-900 PLL issues

And we were doing so well with the cheap HF radio and then the PLL unlocked again across all bands. Opening up the radio it then locked and was back to normal???????? Put it back together and it was fine for 20 minutes and then unlocked again. Opened it up AGAIN and probed around, touching/pressing two cans caused it to lock up and then on touching them again it unlocked and then locked. OK, seems to be a bad joint, bad track, or some other issue with the board, maybe due to stress??

I took it apart and reflowed the cans and most of the through hole components around that area and after 6 hours it is still working fine across all bands. Fingers crossed!

In case this helps anyone else with FT-900 PLL issues (and I know there are a few after perusing the QRZ forums), I've circled the area that I reflowed.

Shack Mascot

 We have a shack mascot - Radio Smurf!!!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Quick contact with Mic (FK8IK) in New Caledonia

First contact on my new to me $40 Hamfest special is FK8IK (Mic) in New Caledonia. Using my max licence limit of 10W which is still QRP for phone and it made the trip of 1463 kms no problem. Audio is much nicer than the Anytone 6666 and the notch and shift make a big difference there.

Mic's QRZ profile:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

6 Watts to ZL2SDX in Wellington - 2489 kilometres, thanks Darren

 I was getting nowhere on 10 metres with the new AT-6666 and broke out the Youkits SK-1A QRP kit to head down to 40m. Not getting very far on 40m either, and having some antenna tuning difficulties but persevered and came across ZL2SDX Darren on 7.183 and he was kind enough to take the time and extract my callsign from the static. Thanks Darren and my 33 signal report will do just fine for 6 watts making the 2489 kilometre trip.

Darren's QRZ profile:

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

New radio for QRP on 10m

I'm missing my Alinco DX-70 and needed something to replace it for HF. Enter the Anytone AT-6666. Tuned up for 5 watts PEP on 10m although I should be 10W PEP on SSB and still be QRP. I'll see what I can do with 5 watts first. Fingers crossed.