Monday, May 6, 2019

Easy install in the Alfa Romeo 159

So I'm a glutton for punishment and bought myself another Alfa Romeo and not only that but after swearing to never buy another black car, I bought this black one, now black car #3.

As stated before the install for the Yaesu VX-7R is really easy using the ClicOn phone mount and RAM mount for a GPS 'button' which matches the Yaesu perfectly. Now to figure out how to attache a button to my iPhone so I can interchange the 2 as desired and only use one mount otherwise I'll have to get a second ClicOn mount which goes up on the dash....not my ideal mounting spot.

Here it is in the car, nice and simple.

I think it needs some more antennas on the back...............

Thursday, May 2, 2019

....and where have I been for the last 2 years?

....well I have not been studying to upgrade my licence, actually I have not been very active on the radio at all. Work, work, and work, makes VK4FLYN a not very active Ham but as usual I keep dusting off the radios and getting on the waves....eventually.

Once again I have a new set of wheels and will setup my trusty Yaesu VX7R in there. This time it's an Alfa Romeo (again) so the install will be pretty much as per the last with the ClipOn bracket and RAM mount RAM-304U. I've been following some of the Japanese radio hams on youtube and this style of install seems to be pretty popular and easily achieved over there with their personal radios (aka low power handheld cbs). 

The Alinco HF rig has been sold to pay down some debts but the QRP rig remains and I have made a couple of contacts on it recently.